We are absolutely honored to host the Great Lakes Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society’s Annual Meeting this Sunday, May 28!
The day will include both public events and some events limited to only members of the ARS.
Events Open to the Public:
1-4PM – Truss Show & ASK AN EXPERT Forum
Truss Show – Trusses will be provided by GLCARS members and Goodell Gardens showcasing the diversity of genus Rhododendron.
ASK AN EXPERT Forum – Educational posters and brochures on Rhododendron along with GLCARS members providing expert advice on Rhododendron.
4 PM – Seminar
“From horticultural hero to cancer cure: what research has your Rhododendron done today?”
Great Lakes Chapter President Dr. Juliana Medeiros and Vice President Connor Ryan
Goodell Gardens Education Coordinator Andrew Sipple will also host a public guided tour of the Gardens at 1 pm, starting near the Welcome Center.