Thanks to the generosity of donors, like you, Goodell Gardens & Homestead was able to replace the siding on the southern elevation of their historic circa 1885 this year!
The barn, which was originally put on its current foundation by George Goodell in 1885, was once home to the dairy cattle and horses on the Goodell family farm. Today it’s used for storage of equipment for events and gardening. Once the multi-year restoration project is complete, the building will be used for programmatic and events space.
This fall marks the second year the siding project has taken place. The western elevation on the barn was re-sided during the fall of 2018 and now the two most public-facing elevations have been completed. Other renovation work to date includes replacing the roof with a metal standing-seam-style roof in 2013, funded in part by Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority; foundation re-pointing and re-setting over several years, funded in part by Erie Community Foundation, an anonymous donor and donors like you; and the addition of a modern electrical service entrance just outside of the barn with temporary lights and power to the barn also funded in part by the Erie Community Foundation and donors like you.
The current slate of work for 2020 will address the northern elevation of the building and will include updating and repairing the doors and the ramp leading to them.
Thank you so much to our generous donors and granting agencies whose incredible generosity makes this project possible.